The Rising Therapist

Are you a therapist in the first 1-5 years of your career looking to deepen as a clinician beyond what you learned in graduate school? Do you wish you had more tools in your toolbox to address somatics, the nervous system, parts-based work, social justice issues, and more? Are you longing for an in-person community where you can learn from seasoned therapist mentors and grow with a small cohort of fellow new clinicians? If you are ready to embark on a transformative developmental journey to your best self-as-clinician, you are warmly invited to apply for the 2024-25 cohort of The Rising Therapist.

The Rising Therapist is a 9-month program designed by two clinicians with decades of collective experience that will specifically help newer therapists develop their skills, personal resiliency, and clinical confidence.

Our program is designed not to teach you any one method, but to equip you with knowledge, skills, and education to continue on the right path in your new career.

The Details (2024-2025)

One Friday morning (9-1pm) a month for 9 months:
September 13, October 11, November 15, December 6, January 10, February 7, March 14, April 11, May 9

Cost per 4–hour session: $210

Small cohort capped at 10 participants.

Each session will include 2 hours of focused education, discussion, and skills practice, and 1 hour 45 minutes of group reflection, case consultation, and personal development with a 15-minute break.

1 hour a month counted towards group supervision if needed.

Location: Alternating Macalester-Groveland neighborhood of St. Paul and Bancroft neighborhood of Minneapolis.

The Rising Therapist is for you, if you:

  • Desire to work in a deep and meaningful way with your clients
  • Feel that grad school helped you with the basics but you find yourself looking for something more
  • Would like a safe place to explore issues related to being a new therapist, transference, countertransference, and imposter syndrome
  • Would like to examine the interaction of social justice and therapy, and reflect on the challenges around supporting clients through collectively impactful issues (pandemic/ climate change/ social justice)
  • Are interested in learning more about how to work with clients from a somatic/nervous system perspective, using specific, practical tools to support growth and healing
  • Are looking for ways to avoid short- and long-term burnout and develop a sustainable and rewarding career

The Schedule

Module 1 – September: Who are you?
Developing and deepening your therapist identity
Module 2 – October: Where should we begin?
Effective intake and relationship-building
Module 3 – November: How do I care for myself?
Compassionate care and sustainability in your practice and what to do when things get hard.
Module 4 – December: How to Do the Work
The Nervous System
Module 5 – January: How to Do the Work
Somatic and Body-Based Interventions
Module 6 – February: How to Do the Work
Attachment Wounding and Trauma-Informed Care
Module 7 – March: How to Do the Work
Working with Wounded Parts of Self
Module 8 – April: How to Do the Work
Responding to These Times: Self Disclosure, Social Justice, and Social Media
Module 9 – May: How to Do the Work
Endings, Termination, and Reflections

Apply now, the cohort will be capped at 10 participants. Come learn and grow with us!

Apply For The Program

Jess Helle-Morrissey

Jess Helle-Morrissey (MSW, LICSW, MA, PMH-C, CLD(CBI), CLEC) has been a clinician for nearly 20 years and loves supporting people in their healing and growth. In addition to an MA in Counseling and Student Personnel Psychology from the University of Minnesota and and MSW from St. Catherine University/University of St. Thomas, she has advanced training in Hakomi, ART (Accelerated Resolution Therapy), Brainspotting, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, AIR Network, Ego States/Parts Work, and EMDR. In her private practice in St. Paul, she specializes in EMDR, attachment wounding/family of origin, and perinatal mental health.

What are you hoping participants will get out of The Rising Therapist?

“I found my theoretical home base in grad school, immersing myself in psychodynamic/relational psychotherapy theory and practice. As I got further into practice after school, I found myself looking for other ways to deepen the work. One way I felt underprepared as a clinician was not having training in somatic/body-centered work and really hope to give folks a grounding in this important way of working. I also know that coming on the heels of the pandemic, new clinicians are missing community and togetherness in a way that is pretty unique to this time period. I really hope we can provide a warm, attuned environment for new therapists to learn and grow together while feeling seen and supported in their development.”

Anam Counseling

Sarah Johnston

Sarah Johnston (MSW, LICSW, CCTP) has been practicing as a therapist since 2009 and working in the field of helping people since 2001. After graduating from the MSW program at St. Catherine University and University of St. Thomas, she worked at The Family Partnership for 5 years providing therapy to children, teens, adults, couples and families. Sarah specializing in attachment wounding and family of origin work. She is developing specialties around supporting men who are intentional about their interactions in the world through recognizing their privilege and addressing trauma and supporting people of all genders who have experienced religious trauma. Early in her career Sarah identified strongly as a psychodynamic clinician with extra training in attachment. In recent years she has found EMDR and Parts Work as her go to treatments in supporting clients in healing. Sarah has experience providing clinical supervision and is formerly adjunct faculty at St. Catherine University and the University of St. Thomas.

What made you decide to develop The Rising Therapist?

“I love supporting new social workers and new therapists through clinical supervision. As therapists, we put so much of ourselves into the work. It can be so hard when you are just starting out. I spent some time thinking about what new therapists need and what I would have needed as a new therapist. I was so fortunate to have some really amazing colleagues and mentors at that time. But, I would have loved a space with other new therapists, to dive into how to really do the work. Really breaking down what therapy looks like, what is actually effective, and how to take care of yourself through this intense work.

I really hope that participants in The Rising Therapists can find a group of colleagues to stay in touch with, support, and challenge each other for years to come.”

Here and Now Counseling